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Eindhoven XR Workshop: Shaping the Future

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Exploring the Needs of XR Developers in Eindhoven, Netherlands on June 14, 2024. Insightful workshop with Dutch XR developers in Eindhoven! Presented the PAX project and our concept for XR…

PAX Insights at PH Wien: Exploring the Future of Global Education

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Exploring Global Education: Highlights from the Thematic Day on Internationalization at PH Wien, on June 10. Proud to present our international projects at PH Wien's Thematic Day on Internationalization! Discussing…

Empowering Educators at IPiE 2024: XR Technologies in the Classroom

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Exciting times at the IPiE Conference 2024 in Mytilene, May 24-25! 🌍 With over 120 participants from 19 countries, we explored diverse educational contexts and shared innovative practices. A special workshop,…

Empowering Educators: Successful XR Workshop at Münster’s Digitallabor

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On May 23rd, we held a successful XR workshop for vocational educators! Eleven teachers gathered at Münster’s Digitallabor to explore XR apps and engage in insightful discussions about integrating XR…

University of the Aegean at ELT Challenges: Exploring XR Technologies in Language Teaching

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Participation of the University of the Aegean at Challenges of Today in English Language Teaching (ELT) on 27 April 2024. PP UAegean conducted a workshop on XR technologies in language…

CtrlArt’s Keynote at FutureVerse Konferenca: Unveiling the PAX Project in XR Education

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Participation of partner CtrlArt at FutureVerse Konferenca on 23 April 2024. PP CtrlArt delivered a 30-minute keynote talk about XR technologies and education, and presented the PAX project. The project…

Kickoff Meeting in Münster: Pioneering the Future of Education with XR Technologies

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Our Kickoff Meeting in Münster, Germany! Between April 11-12, 2024, we launched our exciting journey. This meeting was a fantastic start, bringing together brilliant minds to collaborate on transforming educational…