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What a great start into the new academic year!

On September 12th, 22 dedicated educators from Austrian had the unique opportunity to explore XR technologies in education during a full-day workshop at University College of Teacher Education Vienna and try them out.

The workshop kicked off with exciting presentations on technology, practical projects in the classroom context, and the didactic integration. Stephanie Woessner introduced the world of XR technologies and discussed their significance for future-oriented learning. Nadav Sagir from CtrlArt presented practical XR applications in education, which participants could immediately test with VR and AR headsets. In the following Design Thinking workshop, ideas for using XR in the classroom were gathered and directly implemented as prototypes. The designed concepts were presented and reflected at the end of the workshop.

A very big thank you goes out to the participants, the guest speakers, to my team, Renate Burian and Stefan Karlhuber and everyone involved in this exciting day! 🙌

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